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Biete Hilfe bei der Suche nach homologen Proteinen

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Anmeldungsdatum: 30.11.2004
Beiträge: 2
Wohnort: Muenster

BeitragVerfasst am: 30.11.04, 11:32    Titel: Biete Hilfe bei der Suche nach homologen Proteinen Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo, ich moechte zum Test unserer Software
Hilfe bei der Suche nach homologen Proteinen anbieten:

Dear Collegues,

We are looking for interesting cases in which you were unable
to find the homolog/ortholog of "your" protein in (an)other species.

For example, if you've been unable to locate your favorite human protein
in mouse, we may help, e.g. confirming non-existance [1]. Similarly, we can
validate the orphan status of a protein [2] by demonstrating that an integrative
search methodology recently published in PNAS [3] finds no other hits.
If there are hits, the latter identifies novel homologs in a genome [4]
that may be subject to further experimental or bioinformatics analysis.

We are particularly interested in collaborations
that concern (missing) homologs of proteins that are at the focus
of current research, e.g. because they are disease-relevant.

With Kind Regards
Georg Fuellen - fax 49 251 832 1631 - fon 1637

[1] Fuellen G, Foell D, Nacken W, Sorg C, Kerkhoff C.
Absence of S100A12 in mouse: implications for RAGE-S100A12 interaction.
Trends Immunol. 2003 Dec;24(12):622-4.
[2] In collaboration with P. Tripal, M. Bauer, M. Stürzl (Department of
Molecular and Experimental Surgery - University Erlangen), orphan status
of the helical domain of the GBP protein family was confirmed using [3].
A paper is in preparation.
[3] Alam I, Dress A, Rehmsmeier M, Fuellen G.
Comparative homology agreement search: an effective combination of homology-search methods.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Sep 21;101(3Cool:13814-9.
[4] Alam I, et al.
GenCHASE - an effective combination of genomic homology-search methods.
Part 2 of the PhD thesis of I. Alam.
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